mandag 27. august 2012

Sunset Park in Umeå!

This weekend I was in Umeå for the Sunset Park festival where I did dance-performances and also a workshop. I really loved this festival because they had many different things to offer. Concerts, workshops, markets, lectures, art, and it was all subculture stuff. So interesting and refreshing to go there, and I felt totally inspired by it!

Backstage at Town Hall
First thing that happens is that the sami radio grabs me at the airport for an interview.

Lina, one of the organisers, and me.
Friday night a did a small performance at the club night wich was at Rådhuset/town hall. That was a bit special and different, but it was just the roght athmosephere for this kind of a club. The meeting room was turned into a dancefloor, it was great! :D I have once danced at the parliament in Oslo at a gothic themed wedding. The experience was similar to this. Very unusual, but doesnt feel wrong! :D hehe if you know what I mean...

On saturday I had my workshop, and thery where offered to come dance with me onstage at the show. And lots of the girls came along and danced with me. I was so happy! I didn´t actually expect that people would, but I was so happy that they did! :D The girls where excellent! And it went so well! Thak you, girls! That was great!

I also got to meet some sami people there from the Ponga family selling sami handicraft. I was very happy to meet them there! :D
The concerts and dance shows where outdoors in a park in the middle of the city, and they had two stages there. One for the concerts and one for the dance performances. And they also had markets there. On saturday night the whole festival ended with a organ-concert in the church nearby at 00:30.
That was a new one for me, and it was great! :D This concert was played by Ulla Olsson, and she rocked that organ!

I had best in Umeå! My hotel was great, and the organisers and helpers there where nice to me, workshop went well, the dance stage was perfect, and the sound and light guys where really pro, so it was perfect! :D

mandag 13. august 2012

Favoritt-lunsj med Alta Chutney fra Nordlysmat a/s

Dette har jeg spist masse av i det siste. Helt siden jeg fikk ett glass med Alta-chutney fra Nordlysmat a/s. Supergoodt til lunsj eller et lite måltid.

- RugSprø knekkebrød
- Kremost naturell
- Ruccola eller annen grønn salat.
- Spekeskinke
- Alta Chutney

Disse forsvinner rask, såvidt jeg rakk å ta bilde før den ble borte... Yuum!

I have eaten alot of this lately! Since I got a glass of Alta-chutney from Nordlysmat a/s. So good for lunsj or a quick meal.

- Crisp bread from rye
- Cream cheese naturel
- Ruccola or other green salad
- Spekskinke (salted, dryed ham)
- Alta chutney

This will disappear quickly! I hardly had time to take a picture before it was gone.... Yuuum!

tirsdag 7. august 2012

Lihkku dunnuide, Alice ja Kenne! // Congrats!!

Last weekend I went to the wedding of my second-cousing Alice and his boyfriend for many years, Ken Robert. They also have a child together. In sami culture scond-cousins are treated as cousins, so Alice and I used to play alot together and we also went to school together. I really looked forward to going to their wedding, because I am always in such a hurry, I almost never have time to go to weddings or even just to visit. I usually miss out on celebrations like that, so I was happy. :D

They got married in the church in Karasjok. The priest was actually Alice´s godfather, so it was a special ceremony... The priest also did alot for the local fotballteam «nordlys», where Alice has played as the only girl, cause there was no team for ladies, so she begged to play on the boys team. It was the funniest ceremony, because the priest was talking about Alice, and how good he was at football. «Alice was as gold...*sobs* for Nordlys».

Ken Robert has also been a good friend to me since my early teens, he is always so much fun to be around, and those two fit perfectly together, cause they a both full of humor, self-irony and just the funniest people! Congratulations to Alice and Ken Robert!

The priest does his thing
On their way out afterwards

Everyone congratulates the married couple

Outside the church after the ceremony
Eva, me and Henry found a table in the corner 

Eating cake

Just ate nattamat /"night food" <3 br="br">

Brudevalsen- wedding walz or sth.

torsdag 2. august 2012

Ingefærte // Ginger tea

Last day of recording vocals in studio with Juhani Silvola.
I had shceduled 9 days to complete all the vocals for my record, which would be more then enough. But what happens...I get ill! 5 of those days my nose was so runny I could not sing anyhting. So after 5 days I could finally sing, but the voice was not at its best... After a few tips from people on Facebook I made some ginger tea that Linda recommened, and have drank that everyday since. It was really good! I love ginger! I feel like I have done a ginger-tea cure....

So here is the recipy: 
Take chunk of ginger and cut it to pieces. Use the blender to smash it in a little bit of water. Pour it into a kettle and boil it up. You don´t need to let it boil. Pour it into a cup or mug and pour hot water over it. The more water the less flavour from the ginger. Add honey or cinnamon if you wish. 

What i also did was buy some eucalytus tea and essensial oil. I mixed my eucalytys tea with my fresh ginger tea, and mixed the essensial oil with almond oil and rubbed it to my chest. I also ate extra omega-3 and c-vitamin, ate chicken soup with alot of garlic, chilis and ginger, and a made a steambath with eucalyptys-oil. So thats what I have been doing all week.

Jeg hadde satt av 9 dager til innspillingen av vokal til albumet mitt, noe som ville vært mer enn nok. Men hva skjer...Jeg blir syk! 5 av de dagene kunne jeg ikke synge noe pga nesa var så tett. Så etter 5 dager kunne jeg endelig synge, men stemmer var ikke på sitt beste. Etter noen tips fra Facebook laget jeg Ingefærte som Linda anbefalte, og jeg har drukket det hver dag siden. Det var kjempegodt! Jeg elsker jo Ingefær! Nå føles det som jeg har tatt en Ingefærte-kur...

Her er oppskriften: 
Ta en stor bit ingfær og del den opp i mindre biter. Legg den i blenderen med litt vann, og la det dure til ingefæren er knust. Tøm ingefæren i en kaserolle og kok opp. Ikke la det koke lenge. Tøm det over i en mugge eller kopp og tilsett så mye vann du vil. Jo mere vann jo mindre smak i teen. Tilsett honning og kanel om du vil.

Andre ting jeg gjorde denne uke var å kjøpe eucalyptuste og olje. Jeg blandet eucalytusteen min i den friske ingefærteen. Jeg hadde noen dråper eucalytpus olje i mandelolje og masserte det på brystet og halsen, samt tok ansiktsdampbad med eucalyptusolje for å rense opp. Jeg spiste extra mye omega-3 og c-vitamin, og spiste kyllingsuppe med ekstra mye hvitløk, chili og ingefær. Så det har jeg gjort den siste uka...:D