
Elin Kaaven – “The Arctic Fairy”

Arctic Folk pop

ELIN: Light. Beautiful fairy.
KÅVEN; Familyname of the most famous sami shaman in Sápmi.

Elin Kåven music aims to bring you to the arctic spehere of folklore and mythology of the Sami People – the nomad people north of the arctic circle.
She manifests the the mythological creatures of the nordic part of the world and her concerts are descibed as fairy tales in notes.

Her music brings instant calmness, with meditative and ambient  influences, but mixed with poprock, world and folk genres make the expression free and organic.

Elin Kåven is currently recording her third album to be released october 2015. For a long period of time yoiking - the traditional sami way of using the voice was forbidden. This meant that Elin never learned yoiking in her childhood, but  for her new album she wants to emphasize her Sami heritage even more by using yoik and continue portraying sami myhtology and being a spokesperson for the old sami culture.

At the age of sixteen Elin Kåven moved to the south of Norway and later lived abroad for many years. After about eight years away she realised that she was forgetting her native language and culture. She felt homesick and realised how important her background and roots are. She started to see how her culture is different from others - in a new way, and thats when she decided to dedicate her art of music and dance to the sami culture instead of the mainstream culture.

Elin Kåven released her first EP in 2005 after participating in a Sami singing contest. She has after that released two albums, three singles and a live DVD.
She won the “Sami Grand Prix 2008” songcontest and came second in “Liet Lavlut European Song Contest for Minority Languages 2008”.
In february 2012 her song “Àibbas Jaska / All still” was a finalist in “International songwriting competition”. A competition in USA with celebrity judges like Ozzy Osbourne, Tori Amos, Tom Waitts and Robert Smith.

The year of 2011 she held the title ”Sami artist of the year 2011” of Sapmi Music/Scene Finnmark, Norway, who work with promoting a new sami artist every year.
In 2013 she performed live with a symphony orchestra on national TV and in 2013 she was chosen to participate in ”Indigenous Song Lines” a new collaboration between the indigenous TV-channels APTN, NITV, TG4, NRK SÁPMI, MG ALBA, TITV, MAORI and OIWI, and collaborationg with World Indigenous TV Broadcasters Network (WITBN). There are in total 35 participants, 5 from each channel, and each of them will make a music video that will be broadcasted in all of the above channels.

Elin Kåven wants to let people experience the life of the mythic arctic through her music and performance. She has been a dance instructor and performer of Tribal fusion dance for 9 years, and her dance is always a big part of her performances. In 2013 German press gave her the feedback she was hoping for:

 "Elin Kåven's music is like fairy-tales in notes. In her senuous and vivid songs I could feel her strong connection to Nordic traditions, culture and nature so intensely like I was experiencing it myself."
- Anja Otten-Reichel, Publisher Norrden.de, Quote (Sep 30, 2013)


2014 Compilation Nordic Notes Vol 2, "Ulda Nikta - Ulda allures", 1 track.
2014 Elin Kaaven "Sami Soga Lavlla - Sami Anthem", Digital Single DAT o/s
2013 Elin Kaaven "Maizan - Thaw" - CD Album, Nordic Notes, 9 tracks
2012 Elin Kaaven "Maizan - Thaw" - CD Album, DAT o/s, 9 tracks
2012 Elin Kaaven "Vaimmu cuovga/Heartlight" - Digital single, DAT o/s, 1 track
2011 "Aibbas Jaska/All Still", Compilation, by:Larm, 1 track
2011 Elin Kaaven "Jiknon musihkka-Frozen music Live", DVD, DAT o/s.
2011 Elin Kaaven Lihkku Niehku/Dream of Fortune Digital single, DAT o/s, 1 track
2009 Elin Kaaven Jiknon musihkka/Frozen music CD album, DATo/s, 10 tracks
2009 Sami Grand Prix CD, Rieban, Compilation, 1 track
2008 Sami Grand Prix CD, Rieban, Compilation, 1 track
2005 Elin Lahka EP, Rieban, 4 tracks


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Amazing. Sounds like a young Mari Boine…beutiful and inspirering music with real depth. New nordic folk sound!” - Wenche Yoon Wolden, iTunes Rewiev, Oslo, Norway

What a surprise from the very far North! This This music is the bridge between the descendants of our forefathers and the still autochthonous population of the Far North, More!!!” – Herman, Germany

Finally someone to follow Mari Boine’s footsteps” (translated) – Fan, Karasjok, Norway

From a different world” (translated) – Elin Bekkebråten Sjølie, writer http://lunacia.net/?p=2963, Hammerfest, Norway

A huge Sami talent. A young sparkle in the polar sky. Elin Kåven is young and ambitious and paints with a big brush” (translated) - Østlendingen , Østlendingen (Dec 21, 2009)

Alot for the ear. Easy to get hooked on” (translated) - Dan Hagen, Telemarksavisa (Jan 05, 2010)

An experience. Something mystical lies over ”Jiknon Musihkka-Frozen music”. A mix of folk, jazz and world, with that deep sami heritage as base. Elin Kåven has released an album that has to be experienced.”(translated) - Erick Ellectric, furoreiharare.com (Jan 25, 2010)


”Av en annen verden. Å skulle kategorisere Elin Kåvens musikk er ikke enkelt, og det som nok betegner den best er “fusion”. Ikke bare er det samiske med dens joik sterkt fremtredende, men man finner også elementer av jazz, goth, rock og folkemusikk. Dette fungere veldig bra, og tekstene synges på samisk. Det er nesten så man som nordmann skulle ønske at man hadde undertekster på konserten, for jeg tror at noen av sangene fortalte hele historier, som man ikke fikk med seg på grunn av at man ikke kunne språket. Ikke at dette var et problem, mer en slags liten drøm. Musikken og sangen i seg selv holdt definitvt. Selv kjenner jeg i utgangspunktet til Elin Kåven som danser, og hun bruker dansen aktivt under sine konserter. Dette elementet synes jeg var med på å løfte det hele opp et hakk, hennes tribal fusion-dans passer perfekt til musikken hennes, og hun skaper med dette et flott helhetsuttrykk.” - Elin Bekkebråten Sjølie, http://lunacia.net/?p=2963 (March 2011)

"Samisk stortalent.Hva er det med den samiske kulturen som gjør at de produserer stortalenter innen diverse kulturelle uttrykksformer? Ikke før har Mari Boine toppet sin musikalske karriere med det fantastiske albumet «Sterna Paradisea», før et nytt ungt stjerneskudd med røtter i Karasjok knistrer på polarhimmelen. Elin Kåven er ung og ambisiøs og maler med bred pensel. Terningkast 5"
- Østlendingen , Østlendingen (Dec 21, 2009)

"Det er ingen tvil om at det mye for øret på dette albumet. Hele tiden skjer det ting i lydbildet, og arrangementene er varierte med en rekke klanger og lyder en ikke hører til vanlig. Det rytmiske er dessuten på plass. Elin synger med en varm og behagelig stemme som sikkert vil bli satt pris på av mange lyttere. Hvis en i tillegg ser for seg artisten dansende (hun er også danserinne og integrerer det i sceneopptredenen), er det lett å la seg rive med. Terningkast 5 "
- Dan Hagen, Telemarksavisa (Jan 05, 2010)

"Det ligger noe mystisk over "Jiknon Musihkka". Det blir en slags blaning av folkemusikk, jazz og verdensmusikk med den dype samiske arven som lurer i bakgrunnen. Elin Kåven har gitt ut en skive som må oppleves og på mange måter er nok en hel drøss av landets befolkning som trenger nettopp det. En opplevelse. "
- Erick Ellectric, furoreiharare.com (Jan 25, 2010)

"Den samiske artisten Elins Kåven cd-debuterer med vare stemninger under tittelen "Frozen Music". Hun synger sine egne tekster på samisk, til saktegående, fintflytende, vuggende melodier komponert av henne og Ole Jørn Myklebust. Kåven synger lavmælt og intenst, gjennom hele dette spennende repertoaret, som nok best beskrives som world music, med tydelige jazz-spor og klar inspirasjon fra joik. Her og der ("Du lusa") kan en også oppdage forsiktige pop-tendenser. Svært stemningsfullt og innbydende. Terningkast 5"
- Rune Westengen, Romerikets blad (Dec 14, 2009)

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