lørdag 30. november 2013


Min egen variant av gurotkake med eple! Jeg klarte ikke velge, så jeg satte i begge deler. Suuupergodt! Og du kan lage de så sunne du vil med å bruke mindre sukker og hvetemel.

4 stk egg
3 dl sukker (eller 1,5 dl farin, 0, 5 dl stevia, 1 ss bjørkesøt, 2 ss akasie honning)
3 dl mel (jeg bruker en blanding av forskjellige melsorter jeg finner i skapet. Hvetemel, spelt, jytte, havremel, rugmel og/eller sammalt hvete/spelt)
  - skallet fra en halv appelsin (bare det gule! ikke det hvite)
2 ts bakepulver
1 ss kanel
1 ts salt
1 ts vaniljesukker (eller frøene fra en vaniljestang)
5 ss olje eller smeltet smør
3 dl revet gulrot
2 dl revet eple
1 most banan
ca 1 dl finhakkede nøtter (blanding av mandler, hasselnøtter og/eller valnøtter)
2 ss goji bær (eller annet tørket frukt, rosiner, tranebær e.l)

fredag 23. august 2013


Mum made me fish and potateos.
Lately I have been feeling very heavy in mind and body, and I have been tired and overworked for a while. It was when I met a woman at Gothla.uk
 who told me about a 7- day detox plan that she usually does that I finally found something that I felt I could do. I have tried other detoxing liquids and stuff like that, but it is very hard to keep drinking that stuff every day.
I looked on the internet and I found this 7 day detox plan and it looked just like the woman at Gothla had told me about, so I decided to try. And I did. It was wonderful. Already the first day I felt better, and after the week I felt so much better. Like my body was new again. I didn´t have a heavy head anymore cause my nose was running more. And I am sure I got my bowels cleansed.
The reason why this diet is for 7 days is because it takes food 7 days to get through the system. So after 7 days the bowels should be cleansed.

onsdag 3. juli 2013


Iceland has good food!
Finally I had the chance to go on a vacation! I haven´t had a vacation since I was in Spain in 2009. Counting out the 3 days vacation last october that failed because of unexpected problems with my CD-release, and a few other failed attempts of vacation.

My mother had arranged everything for me. Ordered tickets and the hotel. We were going on a family holiday to Iceland. I had wanted to go to Iceland for a long time already, so it was exciting for me to finally be able to go. My older brother and my younger brother with his girlfriend and daughter were going. Only one in our family not going was my father. He didn´t have time because of work.

Unfortuanately for him ho didn´t come with us. Because on the second day we where there my brother had a surprise for us! He was getting married to his girlfriend. I was the only guest. My brothers daughter was bridesmaid, and my brother and older brother where witnesses. The priest spoke in Norwegian.
This was a huge surprise for everyone! We had the ceremony in church and then we had dinner at the hotel where they were staying.

mandag 1. april 2013


Ingelin, Ailo Mathias and Steffen.
Yesterday was a great day! When I woke up this morning I felt rested, and happy. I didn´t have any nightmares at night or anything. :D

Yesterday we went to Ravnastua Mountain house where my cousin Ingelin and her boyfriend Steffen where going to baptise their child Ailo Mathias. They had asked me to be his godmother, and I of course said yes, because Ingelin and Steffen are so cool, and their child will also be cool!

To get up to the mouintain house we got to ride with my aunt and uncle with their snowmobile about half the way, and then we went skiing rest of the way. We got there just in time for the ceremony. Ingelin and Steffen and their mums where the entertainment, and the ones to hold the ceremony. They did alot of singing, and serving food, so it was really nice! Very cosy.  After we had eaten dinner, dessert and cakes, my uncle drove a bunch of us in his snow-trac back to the car-road. It was good to do some skiing, and today I felt really refreshed! 

lørdag 16. mars 2013


Johan Sara and me in the cottage before the performance.
 Johan Sara with space-suit for the occasion. 

I left the party after the TV-show debut at about 12 so I would have time to sleep before I had to rush back to the Airport and catch the early flight to Oslo and then Tromsø and Alta, to be back in Alta in time for the performance Johan Sara jr. and me had been preparing for Pæskatun during the Borealis vinterfestival and Finnmarksløpet. Eirik Tandberg and Trond Strifeldt held a lecture about the atars and astrofysics or something like that, and after the lecure Johan Sara and me would have a performance outdoors on the snowstage after the lecture. It was very windy and cold before our performance, and we were starting to think that we had to do the performance inside, but mystically the weather changed to better during our performance before the snow started again, and the wind started blowing again. Johan said this always happens, its like the weather knows when to be nice to him on outdoor performances. Very good! The performance was very strange for me. It was not very much singing in my behalf, like I usually do. Johan wanted me to improvise with sounds and noises, and I tried my best, but its very new to me do to that sort of thing, so it was challenging.


I´m being al nervuos in the dressing room just before my second appearance. 
Yes! I didn´t not make a fool out of myself on national TV! That is a great thing to know! If anything had gone wrong I would have felt terrible, but everything went great! If you did not have the chance to see it on TV you can watch it here:


I am about 45:00 into the show.

What a unforgettable night that was! So many important and famous people gathered in one place! It was a bit of a crazy night for me, and when I greeted the King of Norway, it all got a little overwhelming for me!

Well, as you maybe know, this show was put on to celbrate the 100 years of womens right to vote, so it was a huge thing, and alot of people where involved in it. The prime minitster of Norway, Jens Stoltenberg opened the show with a speach about wimen in his life. I got to meet and greet alot of politicians and artists while I was there: Gro Harlem Brundtland, Ingrid Bjørnov, Kari Slåttsveen, Noora Noor, Tuva Syversen, Eir Inderhaug, Inga Marthe Thorkildsen, Aili Kestitalo of course, Kirsti Kolle Grøndahl, Wenche Myhre, Anne Grethe Paus, Kaci Kullman Five and many more!

torsdag 7. mars 2013


This week has been a lifechanging week for me. Strong words maybe, but it feels like it.
When they first called me before christmas to ask if I would join this huge event on the 8th of march -a live concert full of Norwegian celebrities on wimens rights day- I didnt believe it at first. It just seemed to good to be true. I didn´t dare to tell anyone because I was afraid they would laugh and say it was a joke or that I had misunderstood. But Nora Ibsen called me, and asked if I wanted to sing and joik and be a part of a HUGE TV-production for NRK1!

This is the biggest milestone in my life. Not only my carriere as a singer, but in my life. I have been working towards and dreamt about this all my life! I have a symphonyorchestra from Kristiansand and Stavanger with dirigent Halldis Rønning. She kicks ass! That orchestra kicks ass! I mean, this is a lifetime experience!  Not every artist gets the chance to do what I am about to do now! I have deep gratitude to Anne Røthing at NRK who actually got me in this show!

tirsdag 19. februar 2013


Det er alltid arti for meg å delta og bli invitert til magedansfestivaler til å opptre og ha workshops. Denne gangen var jeg ekstra spent fordi jeg har fokusert mer på musikken enn dansen de siste 2 årene, og føler selv at jeg har tapt meg litt som danser. Det er vanskelig å holde seg på topp på alt hele tiden. Å fokusere mer på musikken og litt mindre på dans har vært det riktige valget føler jeg. Jeg føle at jeg utvikler meg innenfor musikk også like mye som innenfor dans. Jeg har en tendens til å bli besatt at det jeg holder på med, og derfor har det vært vanskelig for meg å tenke like mye på musikken som dansen.
Jeg har hatt ryggsmerter også når jeg har danset, og jobber fortsatt med å få rettet det opp, slik at jeg kan trene mer enn jeg gjør nå, uten å få sinnsyke smerter.