This year has really given meaning to the quote "you win some you loose some" to me. It´s been the most intense year I have had ever in my life I think. So much has been going on and so much has happened. This year turned out nothing like I thought it would. So when we now have only one week left of this year I am happy to look forward to a new start.
This year started off with my last grandmother and one of my uncles that died november the year before, and since then my life has gone through so many changes both good and bad.
The good stuff is that I have started in sami cultural politics, in march I was chosen leader of the Sami Composers assosiation. I have collaborated with many other artists; Johan Sarah jr., Byrdi, Senjahopen, and Ensemble Noor. And I had my first amazing tour in Germany, and I have started working on my third album. I have taken time to sing more and try to challenge myself more as a singer and likewise I have done alot of spiritual studies and self-contemplation. And I have also taken measures to imporve my business.
And the bad stuff this year is that my body is so full of stress and
tense that it has been impossible for me to train dancing or other
physical sports. I have basically had to quit dancing, cause it´s been
painful - but I have had various treatments - so I hope it gets better.
søndag 21. desember 2014
torsdag 20. november 2014
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Sainkho, I and Sainkho´s daughter who had a name I can´t pronounce or write. But it meant a neverfreezing river. |
tirsdag 9. september 2014
onsdag 27. august 2014
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It was at the Play Nordic Festival in Berlin. The event was
called "Riddu Riđđu Festival in Berlin" and was a cooperation of the
Nordic embassies, Folkelarm and Riddu Riđđu. This event was very sucessful with
a very intrested audience. The event was a presentation of the two Festivals
and a concert with me.
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Taking off! Wings given as a gift from Mexico to Berlin. |
Now I am just looking forwad to my tour in November!
onsdag 16. juli 2014
Dette er en artikkel jeg skrev mens jeg studerte Bachelor of rock´n´roll entrepreneurs ved Høgskolen i Finnmark, Alta i 2012. Jeg har desverre ikke fortsatt denne bachelor utdannelsen etter første året, men det kan være jeg får anledning til det senere.
Hvorfor trenger vi kunst?
Et spørsmål som er blitt spurt av
mange, og en debatt som alltid foregår i samfunnet. Hva er poenget? Hva er
verdien i kunst, og hvorfor bruker vi for eksempel offentlige midler til
utvikling av kunst, på lik linje med utviklingen av andre ting. Kunstnere,
kunstinteresserte og ikke minst de som ikke er interessert i kunst er opptatte
av dette spørsmålet.
Disse spørsmålene dukket også opp
under utviklingen av skolesystemet der kunstfag ikke ble prioritert. De ble
sett på som unyttige og mange mente at andre fag var viktigere enn kunstfag.
Kunst og andre fysiske fag må stadig
kjempe for sin plass i utviklingen av skolesystemet og samfunnet.
mandag 2. juni 2014
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A small knife and my pouch. Photo Freddy L. Larsen. |
What happened when I did resulted in what I now call my "lucky-pouch".
I was holding the quartz stone - I closed my eyes and I was filled with tranquility. It was a peaceful feeling. I tried holding the stone after a few days again to see if there was a difference, and I could still feel the difference when holding it, and when not holding it. I remember thinking "what if I could feel this while on stage while perfoming." I was at that time struggeling with stage fright and nervousity.
I had been spending alot of time with a guy who always carried his own pouch with him. He had stones and other symbolic things that where meaninful to him in his pouch, and he showed me the meaning of having one. I decided to make my own.
mandag 5. mai 2014
“Etter 10 ganger vil
du føle forskjell. Etter
20 ganger vil du se forskjell. Etter 30
ganger har du en helt ny kropp.” - Joseph Pilates
Hva er Pilates?
Pilates er enkel, skånsom og effektiv
styrketrening som passer menn og kvinner i alle aldre - hver enkelt øvelse
tilpasses individuelt.
Fokus er statisk styrke. Den indre
støttemuskulaturen bygges opp fra bunnen av, slik at kroppen kan bæres på en
korrekt måte. Skjevheter i kroppen som kan forårsake smerter og skader blir
rettet ut.
trener hver muskel i kroppen, beveger alle leddene, og pusten setter i gang
dype prosesser. Neurologisk setter øvelsene i seg selv igang menneskets organiske bevegelsesmønster
og programmerer kroppen inn i korrekt bevegelsesmønster.
Pilates passer i
utgangspunktet alle, og er et bra alternativ for deg som belastes av andre
treningsformer på grunn av skader eller smerter. Pilates er utbredt trening
blant dansere og toppidrettsutøvere, og er anbefalt av fysioterapeuter. Mange
kjendiser sverger til Pilates, blant andre Jennifer Aniston, Madonna og
Jennifer Lopez.
lørdag 3. mai 2014

MAGEDANS (Raqs Sharki)
magedans danses i Midtøsten, Tyrkia og Nord-Afrika og er en av verdens
eldste kulturdanser. Det er ulike teorier om hvordan dansen har
oppstått. Noen mener den har oppstått i egypt, mens andre mener den
stammer fra India og har spredt seg derfra med sigøynere. Dansen er
flere tusen år gammel og har blitt brukt i religiøse sermonier,
fruktbarhetsritualer og festlige sammenhenger i tillegg til å være ren
torsdag 10. april 2014
Muohttagis leat sullii 205 sami sáni. Dá lea listtu!
Det er omkring 205 ord for snø i Samisk språk!
There are bout 205 word to snoš in Sami language!
Listen er hentet fra/listu lea vižžon dáppe:
søndag 6. april 2014
This friday I sang in NOrwegian for the first time onstage since I was a child singing in the choir. It was pretty awesome, cause the lyrics where quite difficult in northern-norwegian, and the song is quite fast as well, so I was very in doubt if I could manage. And it went great!!! I just missed a few words I think, but I reembered all the lyrics! And it was so much fun be on stage with those crazy guys in Senjahopen! I felt really honored that they asked me, and I had so much fun! The song is called "Bråtebrann" and the original singer is Ida Maria with Senjahopen.
I will remember this a looong time!
I will remember this a looong time!
fredag 31. januar 2014
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Sarah-Jane Summers and Juhani Silvola |
sami culture
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